Society Management Consultancy Services2021-12-22T10:07:05+00:00

Society Management Consultancy Services

Strategic and Operational Guidance backed by experience

Society management is very tedious job, it is part of Responsibility & time commitment. In addition to that you need to have in depth knowledge of statutory & management aspects governing society operations. Most of the time members are raising quarries, questions regarding day to day operational issues, monitory operations & also raising question on committee decisions.

This may include issues like:

  1. Usage of Funds
  2. Day to day maintenance issues
  3. Recovery of Dues
  4. Inadequate knowledge of Bye-Laws
  5. Disputes between Members

Our Solution

How We Help
  • Provide Advice on Society Management Strategy
  • Provide Advice and assist in conducting the AGM/ SGBM
  • Provide Advice on monetary setup
  • Provide Advice on administrative setup
  • Provide Advice on how to handle major issues

Society Plus guides societies to overcome all the administrative hassles and guides them with their administrative and monetary setup. We create a disciplined framework of rules (Bylaws) that paves the way for smooth, efficient functioning by bringing clarity and removing ambiguity. Our proven Society Management Consulting service lays the ground rules for disciplined operations as per requisite by-laws. The rules are laid down as per the structure of the society, and we also help get it approved by the General Body. Furthermore, we keep an eye out for emerging regulations and allow them to get incorporated into the working model at the right moment.

Trusted by over


Society Plus is a leading provider of niche services to housing societies. The fact that over 1,500 CHS in Pune rely on us for their diverse society management needs is testimony to our passion and professionalism.


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